Response of Individuals to Presentations
By Alarik Arenander, PhD
“Alarik held a very sophisticated Hollywood audience spellbound for over an hour, and then they asked for more.”
— Nancy Cooke DeHerrera
Author of ALL YOU NEED IS LOVE, published 2003
Beverly Hills, CA
“I’m delighted that you are considering inviting Dr. Alarik Arenander to speak on matters related to the neurophysiology of consciousness. Alarik is a dynamic speaker, who interweaves a wide-ranging body of data and concepts to create a clear and concise understanding of issues on the cutting edge of research in the field. I have heard Alarik speak on many occasions, and am confident that the audience will come away from his talk with a much deeper understanding of their own mental processes and inner nature.”
— Peter L. Salk, M.D.
Biomedical Researcher
La Jolla, CA
“Alarik is an all-star performer, who combines an attitude of interest in the listener with superb communications skills. He can make an event”
— Robert A. G. Monks
Founder and President, LENS, Inc.; Director of a dozen public
companies, including, most recently, Tyco International and the Jeffries Group.
Portland, Maine
“I am delighted to hear you are considering inviting Dr. Alarik Arenander to speak on Neurophysiology of Consciousness. Over the past 10 years I have had the privilege to attend several of his lectures and classes on the study of mind consciousness. Alarik is a dynamic speaker, who interweaves a wide-ranging body of data and concepts to create a clear and concise understanding of issues on the cutting edge of research in the field of mind consciousness.
In the many occasions I have heard Alarik speak the audience has come away with a much deeper understanding of their own mental processes and inner nature. In front of the room, Alarik is a dynamic force who combines an attitude of interest in the listener with the superb communication skills to open their mind to the awareness of their own awesomeness.
Through the many presentations of have attended I have seen his audience moved emotionally from tears to laughter as their brain was set free to experience their own inner value and true worth.
Alarik’s brilliant intellect and ability to charm audiences from the podium with what can be daunting and dense scientific research and findings into a clear lucid insightful program that is enjoyable and fun. He delivers with passion and knowledge the information that layman and professional alike will be able to use in understanding their personal, physiological, and intellectual development.
I personally take every opportunity to invest my time to learn from this “master of mind knowledge” every chance I get.
— Steven Littlefield
Executive Vice President
Mortgage financing company
San Diego, California
“Alarik is a brilliant intellect and a dynamic force on the podium who deeply understands the field and who deals with some of the deepest issues in the field in a straight forward and lucid manner. His talks are clear, insightful and chock full of information that the layman and professional alike will be able to use in understanding their personal physiological, and intellectual development.”
— Montague Guild
CEO of Investment Company
Malibu, California
“Alarik has a long history of charming audiences with what can be daunting and dense scientific research and findings. He makes it enjoyable and fun – but doesn’t scrimp on the weight or value of the subject.”
— Robert Brown
CEO, Investment Group; Past CEO of Ziff-Davis Technology Company
La Jolla, California
It May Concern:
“I had the distinct pleasure of meeting Dr. Alarik Arenander on September 10, 2002 when he came to present a distinguished speaker lecture for the Mind Science Foundation entitled “Mapping Human Consciousness.“ I was greatly impressed with Dr. Arenander’s presentation. The subject matter and the clarity with which he spoke were excellent. The lecture was timely and dealt with all aspects of consciousness and how the mind is influenced at different stages. He provided good scientific information by presenting excellent visual images of the brain and explained in layman’s terms so that people could easily follow and understand how the mind behaves.
He also dealt with various complementary and alternative medical practices such as acupuncture, meditation & yoga and other techniques, and the role of the mind during these techniques. The lecture was well attended in San Antonio and many people I’ve spoken to were also highly impressed by his presentation. I wish Dr. Arenander great success in his future endeavors.”
P. Narasimha Rao, Ph.D., Senior Scientist, Chairman
Department of Organic Chemistry
Southwest Foundation for Biomedical Research
San Antonio, TX 78245-0549
Deborah Ray Show, Healthy Talk Radio
“Nondrug Strategies to Treat and Prevent ADHD”
Summer, 2003
Thank you for joining me recently as a guest on “The Deborah Ray Show”. The knowledge you shared about complementary and alternative medicine was very interesting and informative, and was well received by our listening audience as always. We thank you for sharing your information regarding your research about brain function.
It was a pleasure talking with you and I wish you the best of luck with your future endeavors.
Best regards,
Deborah Ray, M.T, Host
“The Deborah Ray Show”
The Raj Health Center and SPA
Fairfield, IA
Summer 2002
To Whom It May Concern,
Dr. Arenander has been a guest speaker at The Raj, Ayurveda Health Center, numerous times over the past 10 years, and has always received the highest praise from our guests.
He has presented a wide range of topics, ranging from a simple yet eloquent description of the pillars of beauty and the functions of the brain to more expanded presentations on the mechanics of how to enliven the total creative potential of the brain to increase longevity and happiness in life.
Dr. Arenander is an engaging and dynamic speaker who has the ability to present complex scientific concepts in a way that is not only easily understandable but also fun and illuminating. He is a visionary scientist who can effortlessly weave together the insights of ancient wisdom with the precision and practicality of modern science.
I highly recommend Dr. Arenander as a speaker. I guarantee that you will be entertained, enlightened and inspired.
Rogers Badgett
Owner of The Raj
Third Annual Norman Borlaug Lecture
“Scientific Basis for Developing Human Potential”
Indian Hills Community College
Ottumwa, IA
November, 2003
“Dr. Arenander has a marvelous and engaging lecture style that is captivating. The Indian Hills Community College Science Club and the college are very pleased that Dr. Arenander was willing to make time in his busy schedule to give us a lecture on brain dynamics.
The lecture was very interesting and informative. I believe everyone walked away having learned something of value; we would certainly enjoy having him back at sometime in the future.”
— Dr. Doug Flournoy
Professor of Chemistry, Chair of Lecture Series
Indian Hills Community College
Coudert Institute Conference
“Human Potential”
Palm Beach, Florida
April, 2002
April 22, 2003
To whom it may concern,
I would like to highly recommend Alarik Arenander, a specialist in brain research at the Maharishi University in Fairfield, Iowa. The talks he gave and the group interaction that followed to a very diverse group of people for the Coudert Institute in Palm Beach, Florida was clear, exciting and given with wonderful and contagious humor. Perhaps most important of all, I believe everyone came away feeling that a door had been opened, a new concept of spirituality, meditation, the brain and our health.
I can think of no greater compliment from our gathering than that the entire group agreed to sit and meditate (many never had) after Alarik’s talk and two couples wrote the Coudert Institute that the experience with changed their lives. We are looking forward to having him with us next year to continue the adventure and gain understanding into new and exciting and important concepts in the ways of consciousness, meditation and new discoveries in science.
Millicent S. Monks
Board of Coudert Insitute
National Board of The Kennedy Center – 1972-1982
Board of National Symphony – 1972-1980
Traumatic Brain Injury Conference—BAI
“Brain Mechanisms of Recovery and the Potential of Meditation to Maximize Rehabilitation Efforts”
Des Moines, Iowa
March 14, 2003
“Your presentation on “The Potential Impact of Transcendental Meditation on Recovery from Traumatic Brain Injury” was absolutely intriguing! The audience was riveted by the breath and depth of your information, the introduction of an alternative technique to assist in brain injury rehabilitation and your superb command of neuroanatomy.
No one in that audience will EVER forget the Frontal Orbital Cortex! It was a terrific lecture and a high point to conclude our conference. Thanks!”
— Julie Fidler Dixon, M.S., CRC, CCM,
Executive Director, On-With-Life; President-elect for BIA-IA
“You were wonderful! What a great ending to this conference. You held the attention of the audience well and your material was clearly interesting to the participants!
For next year...I think we want to be able to “show” the benefits of TM following various levels of Brain Injury. As well, to see if we can teach it to consumers who may “currently“ demonstrate their impulsivity and “explode” on their environment, but then teaching them TM techniques to demonstrate their ability to become tranquil enough to manage their situation.
You are so on... You are the scientist and maybe joining forces with the functional clinicians we can show the positive benefits of TM.
Your presentation was a great “opening”, now let’s see if we can put a face to it in use. If we are successful in this respect, then you will be sought after to share the message.
Thanks for your openness and enthusiasm to get involved with the Association.”
— Daniel Larmore, MS/CCCSLP, NHA-L, FAAMR
Administrator for Harmony House Health Care Center and
Opportunity Rehabilitation Center, and
President, Brain Injury Association of Iowa
Traumatic Brain Injury
Understanding Brain Injury: Success through Rehab
“The Role of the Prefrontal Cortex in TBI and
Effective Recovery”
St. Lukes Hospital Rehab Conference
Cedar Rapids, IA
Oct 14, 2004
“Thank you so much”
“Very great information, cutting edge (meditation)! Wonderful. These topics are great.”
“I feel I had an afternoon off hat was both so informative and fun. Thank you.”
“Very well created.”
Faculty (K-12th) Development Seminar
”Brain, Consciousness and the Student”
50 Grade School Teachers
July 2001
“Very fun and dynamic presentation from someone who really knows his stuff!”
“Alarik is happy and enthusiastic. He is committed to showing us how to appreciate the world fully.”
“Alarik’s intelligence is clear and lively. It informs his style and his presentation. He radiates enjoyment and his listeners can’t help but share it.”
“If you want your whole brain enlivened forever, Alarik can show you how in a simple, humorous, easily applicable, fulfilling way.”
“You have an engaging personality and a great sense of style in your speaking ability. Your sense of humor is infectious.”
“Very charismatic and the energy engages the attention of the audience immediately, and doesn’t lose it for the duration of the lecture.”
“Alarik is an enjoyable and lively speaker, enthusiastic and energetic. Thinks quick on his feet, stable and adaptable on the basis of his in-depth knowledge he can adopt it to any question or situation.”
“Subject becomes very clear and understandable even to someone who has little previous knowledge in brain function. Enjoyable to someone without a science background.”
“Alarik combines intellectual brilliance and lively humor to create a challenging, thought-provoking and delightfully charming experience.”
Holistica Expos
”The Cosmos Within: Science, Consciousness,
and the Human Brain”
Atlanta, Georgia
October, 2002
“When Dr. Hagelin was unable to travel recently, Dr. Alarik Arenander graciously agreed to deliver a presentation at the Atlanta Holistic Expo in his steed. To the audience’s delight, Dr. Arenander captured their attention with his abundant sense of humor and his exceptional charm. He was able to convey extremely complex research findings in a manner that was both enjoyable and informative. To wit, I had invited a dear personal friend who had little prior interest in the subject matter and he was amazed to find himself still captivated until the very end. I would welcome any opportunity to hear him again!”
— Ellen Wickersham
Speaker Coordinator of Atlanta Expo Holistica Event
“Dr. Alarik Arenander drew the largest single audience of the 2002 Holistica Expo in Atlanta…and no wonder! Expo visitors, who generally describe themselves as “spiritually oriented,” were mesmerized by Alarik’s comprehensive, coherent description of “total brain functioning” as the foundation of a spiritual life. Few in the audience were aware of the relationship between coherent brain functioning and transcendental consciousness, and for most it was the first time they had ever heard any explanation of spirituality that was not laden with vague, fuzzy language. Alarik’s description or recent brain mapping research was so compelling that, while a few people arrived late, not a single soul left the 105-minute presentation early.”
— M.Glaza
CEO, Marketing Company
Atlanta, GA
Science and Religion 2002 Conference
“The Spiritual Brain: Mapping Human
Consciousness and Mental Potential”
Lakeshore Interfaith Institute
Ganges, MI
Sept. 15, 2002
“Science and Religion 2002 Conference held at Lakeshore Interfaith Institute, Ganges, MI (Sept. 15, 2002) provided wide variety of educational and hot topics in this field. Dr. Alarik Arenander presentation on “The Spiritual Brain: Mapping Human Consciousness and Mental Potential“ was excellent with full of knowledge, humor and practical means to expand human potential. Dr. Arenander presented complex subject “human brain“ in easy to understand language, which was well appreciated by the attendees.”
— Dr. Sanjay Mazumdar
Conference Chair
Science and Religion Conference 2002
Mind Science Foundation
“Mapping Human Consciousness”
November, 2002, San Antonio, Texas
“Dr. Alarik Arenander has the ability to encapsulate the entire spectrum of consciousness research and information and present it in a fashion that’s easy for lay audiences to understand.”
— Mr. Sandy McNab,
Board Chairman
Mind Science Foundation
“Very well organized. Think we many need to have him back!”
“Dr. Arenander is the Carl Sagan of the consciousness community. I have never heard a presentation on consciousness put so succinctly!”
“This was one of the best lectures in my approximately 5 years of membership!“ “Just what I’ve been looking for!“ “Very well organized. Think we many need to have him back!”
Summer Faculty Development Course
“Brain, Mind and Human Potential”
University faculty
Summer, 2003
“Very good overall, lively–good examples to make an abstract subject more concrete
“Lively, fun, engaging, great visuals, simple presentation of complex knowledge (but doesn’t seem watered down)
“Powerpoint is great, Alarik is wonderful—brilliant and funny.
“Excellent–very competent and professional.
“Alarik’s interactive style is totally enjoyable and totally unique – always a joy!!
“Alarik–ultimate in entertainment & humor, stimulating, varied, lively.
“Superdynamic, highly interactive lecture style by Alarik–hard for one’s brain to fall asleep.
“Alarik has a rare gift for holding the audience brain in a state of blissful & alertness & focused attention.
“Dr. Arenander has a special ability to present the knowledge in a very digestible way so that your nervous system starts to embody all Maharishi’s Supreme Knowledge in an effortless blissful way.
“An experience–What a great course! Witnessing an exceptional teacher has been a joy.
“A sense of heightened wonderment, and ever-deepening appreciation of the brain and mind.
Learning Brain Expo
“Preventing School Violence: A Strategy to Enhance Brain Functioning through the Transcendental Meditation Program”
San Antonio, Texas, July 2002
Response from teachers, principals, and school administrators
Every school, Board, principal should hear this!
Great visuals! Answered question of “What’s in it for me?”
Awesome! I will try this.
It would benefit the whole conference to hear this presentation. Great information!
Learning Brain Expo
“Mapping Human Consciousness: Implications
for Educating the Whole Child”
Chicago, IL, July 2003
Response from teachers, principals, and school administrators
“Wow! I would like a whole day with this. It addresses the core of what we need to do.
“This session was excellent! Yes, it moved fast, but it didn’t insult my intelligence and I liked that.
“It was a unique session and an important one. Thank you.
Summer Faculty Development Weeklong Seminar
“Brain, Physiology and Educational Experience”
73 Grade School Teachers (K-12th)
August 2002
Very fun & dynamic presentation from someone who really know his stuff!
“Alarik combines intellectual brilliance & lively humor to create a challenging, thought-provoking, delightfully charming experience for the audience. His classes are unsurpassed in depth of knowledge and entertainment.
“Alarik is happy and enthusiastic. He is committed to showing us how to appreciate the world fully.
“Alarik’s intelligence is clear and lively. He radiates enjoyment and his listeners can’t help but share it.
“Dynamic, quick-witted, engaging, encyclopedic knowledge of neuroanatomy.
“You have an engaging personality and a great sense of style in your speaking ability. Your sense of humor is infectious …
“Very charismatic and the energy engages the attention of the audience immediately, and doesn’t lose it for the duration of the lecture.
“Alarik is an enjoyable & lively speaker, enthusiastic, energetic. Thinks quick on his feet. Stable & adaptable on basis of his in-depth knowledge, he can adapt it to any question or situation.
“Subject becomes very clear and understandable even to someone who has little previous knowledge in brain functions. Enjoyable to someone without a science background.
“Excellent speaking skills, especially the ability to EDUCATE.
“Energy, fun, & knowledge. It’s great to spend time with Alarik.
“Alarik is a dynamic speaker who translates the complexity of his field into language understandable to all. He engages the audience with his lively, interactive
presentations and yet does justice to the deep levels of knowledge that he presents. I feel I gained a lot in this course in a most enjoyable way.
“Alarik has an amazing amount of energy and charisma. As an audience member it is impossible to not watch and listen to him because he commands the room.
“Alarik differs from other speakers I’ve ever encountered particularly in his ability to take huge and often difficult-to-understand concepts and make them understandable, lively, and playful. He has an example for everything that is often funny or memorable.
“Alarik’s teaching style (awesome) use of play-doh and visual aids, projects and public speaking, lots of repetition and student interaction which embeds and creates ownership of the knowledge.
“What a blissful time!
“I would let Dr. Alarik Arenander teach this course again. He did a wonderful job.
Anti-Aging Lecture Series
“Nourish Your Brain”
The Raj Health Center
Vedic City, IA
May 6, 2004
“Excellent Overall”
“Enjoy the lecture, slides good, humor helps.”
“Simulated me to focus on my brain¹s health. Need to regular with PK to get out the toxins.”
“Very Informative, great speakers. He spoke English.”
“Good practical, informative; can pass on points to mother and sister.”
“Very energizing. The scientific community is ramping up its attention in this area but the Ayur-Veda aspect provides the missing depth.”
“I loved everything! I was moved by the awesome slides of brain and universe. I am inspired to take better care of my body with Ayur-Veda. I feel this course is a great motivation for me.”
“Very lively, clean presentation, succinct.”
“Clear and thorough PowerPoint presentation.”
“Excellent, superior, lively, fun and highly intelligent.”
“Very well done in a language all can understand. The sound system was excellent.”
“I like the facts about how nutrition can help a condition.”
“This is a most interesting and intimate important topic for all of us and our families.”
“Five star.”
“A work of art. 100% sparkling. The room was vibrating.”
Public Lecture
“Developing Human Potential: Current Status of Brain Research”
Washington, D.C.
February 8, 2004
“Very useful for general understanding of how the brain works and connects with vedic medicine.
“I liked the participatory method of the lecture step-by-step sharing of learning.
“Very engaging speaker, with well thought structure and participatory approach.
Indian Association
“Brain and Vedic Literature”
“Brain Development and Enlightenment”
“Nyaya Sutras and Human Experience”
Milwaukee HTW
May 29-30, 2004
“I enjoyed your talk. It was well organized and well-planned. The information I gained was enormous.
“The lectures were focused and addressed the interrelationship of self, body, mind and intellect. It opened and refreshed my understanding of meditation. I thoroughly enjoyed the talk and this experience enforce my convictions to have more similar lectures in the future.
“The lectures opened my eye and aroused an interest and convinced me about usefulness of learning TM. Dr. Arenander’s presentation material has immense depth, supported with scientific data and delivery was convincing and excellent.
“I immensely enjoyed the talk this morning as well as in the evening. I don’t know how to express my gratitude for patience in explaining and answering all questions. Thank you very much.
“I was very stimulating for me. This is the first time some research data was shown to me as compared to just being told TM works. As a scientist, I am biased and like a scientific explanation. Dr. Arenander you were “GREAT.”
“For me these lectures were very valuable. Having my attention on the knowledge has been nourishing.
”The lectures were enlightening. Clarity of lectures and in-depth discussions were effective, to understand the science of TM. Scientific evidence provided basis for better understanding of the subject
”Great material, Excellent presentation skills, Very glad to see objective verification of the higher states of consciousness.
Private School, K-12
“Drug Abuse is Preventable”
School Lecture to Parents
Fairfield, IA
March 23, 2004
“Dr. Arenander offered practical solutions to parents, giving them ways to communicate with their children.”
“I was totally impressed with Dr. Arenander's presentation to our parents. Being an elementary school principal and mother of a 20 year old son, I am very concerned about the danger that drugs present to the youth of today. I firmly believe that parents greatly influence their children's moral development, and as Dr. Arenander said, "the family is the first line of defense in this war." Parents need to be educated.”
“Through a lively power-point presentation, Dr. Arenander presented strong scientific evidence on the damaging effects of drugs on the brain. He spoke about the influence of drugs in a factual manner, informing and educating the audience, rather than preaching right or wrong.
“Dr. Arenander gave clear steps of action for parents to take to intelligently discuss drug issues with their children. His style of presentation was engaging, interactive and very easy to comprehend. He is an excellent speaker.”
“The combination of his scientific knowledge, his highly professional presentation style and his understanding of the great need for a solution to this war on drugs, makes Dr. Arenander an invaluable resource for any parent organization.”